Top Ten on Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl where a theme is set for us each week to write about in any way we want. This week is books I meant to read in 2023. How long have you got? I have a large TBR pile that I just never seem to get through so here are some that I meant to read.

  • Testament by Kim Sherwood – Eva is close to her Grandfather but the finds a letter from the Jewish Museum in Berlin and realises that he has a lot of secrets. Why haven’t I read this one?
  • My Name is Yip by Paddy Crewe – A coming-of-age story that reads a bit like a western, I’ve read the first few pages. It will take quite a bit of reading as it seemed very dense so I need to be in the mood.
  • Otherlands by Thomas Halliday – I don’t read masses of non-fiction but this is right up my street. I had forgotten that I owned this one.
  • One Small Voice by Santanu Bhattacharya – I bought this because it looked interesting at the Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival. So interesting that I haven’t read it yet!
  • Mother’s Boy by Patrick Gale – This is a novel but one that tells the tale of the poet Charles Causley’s life set in Launceston. I love Causley’s poetry and I live reasonably near Launceston. What’s not to like?
  • Cuddy by Benjamin Myers – a retelling of the story of the hermit St Cuthbert. I really, really don’t know why I bought this one. Maybe this will be the first of this list that I read.

Any of these you can recommend that I start with?

This article was written by alijoy

7 thoughts on “Top Ten on Tuesday”

  1. These are all knew to me. I’ve encountered St. Cuthbert in some documentaries in the last year or two, so I’m curious to learn more.

    1. I have read the first couple of pages and it appears quite unusual looking like poetry. It should be an interesting read.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I keep getting distracted and reading other books. I might have to put a moratorium on any new books bought or from the library until I have read them.

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